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Photo of Dr Sarah Drews Lucas

Dr Sarah Drews Lucas

Senior Lecturer


01392 726723

Amory B209

 BA (University of Texas at Austin), MA (University of Sydney), PhD (University of Sydney)

My research is focused on developing models of feminist agency that enable political participation. I am especially interested in identity formation, care ethics, communication and communicability, and interrogating the boundaries of the political. My area of expertise is feminist philosophy, but I am also interested in critical theory, ancient political thought, contemporary political theory, pragmatism, and human rights.

Office: Amory Building, Room B209

Office Hours Term 2, 2024: Wednesdays 11-12 and Fridays 2-3 

Research supervision

I am happy to supervise projects on a variety of topics in feminist philosophy, including embodiment, care ethics, identity, intersectionality, eco-feminism, and epistemic injustice.


I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. My undergraduate degree is from the University of Texas at Austin, where I attended the Plan II Honours Program and specialised in Classics and Philosophy. After leaving Austin, I spent three years teaching in Doha, Qatar before moving to Sydney, Australia to pursue my MA and PhD in Philosophy under the supervision of Professor Moira Gatens. In December of 2016, I was awarded a doctorate for a dissertation on narrative agency and feminist theory. I was apppointed to a permanent lectureship in Political Theory at Exeter in 2017.


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