Journals and Academic Presses
Politics academics at Exeter are Editors of several internationally leading journals listed below.
Critical Military Studies
Critical Military Studies provides a rigorous, innovative platform for interdisciplinary debate on the operation of military power. It encourages the interrogation and destabilization of often taken-for-granted categories related to the military, militarism and militarization. It especially welcomes original thinking on contradictions and tensions central to the ways in which military institutions and military power work, how such tensions are reproduced within different societies and geopolitical arenas, and within and beyond academic discourse. Contributions on experiences of militarization among groups and individuals, and in hitherto underexplored, perhaps even seemingly ‘non-military’ settings are also encouraged.
Dr Sarah Bulmer is an Associate Editor.
European Journal of Political Research (EJPR)
European Journal of Political Research is the flagship journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, the major European association in political science.
EJPR publishes original and substantial contributions to the study of comparative European politics. We specialise in articles articulating conceptual and comparative perspectives with a broad theoretical relevance, speaking to different academic literatures on a variety of sub-fields and topics. We welcome both quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as contributions from other sub-disciplines (including international relations and political theory) and geographical areas (including North and South America) that are relevant to the comparative study of politics. Authors are strongly encouraged to reflect deeply on the broader theoretical implications of their empirical research so as to engage as broad an audience as possible.
Professor Isabelle Engeli is is Editor-in-chief.
European Journal of Politics and Gender (EJPG)
The European Journal of Politics and Gender is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes international, cutting-edge research in the broad field of politics and gender. EJPG is the flagship journal of the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG). It is firmly embedded in global politics and gender scholarship, its scope is not limited to Europe. It aims to advance gender and politics research in all its diversity. It is published by Bristol University Press and Policy Press.
Professor Isabelle Engeli is a Founding Editor.
History of Political Thought
History of Political Thought is the leading journal in its field. It is also consistently recognised as a very high quality outlet in the ranking of prestige journals in political science generally. It was started in Exeter in 1980 by Janet Coleman and Iain Hampsher-Monk and has been edited from within the department continuously ever since.
The founding editorial board included Sir Isaiah Berlin, Luigi Firpo, Raymond Poloin, Michal Oakeshott, Nicolae Rubenstien and Peter Weber-Schafer and contributors have included, Terence Ball, J.H.Burns, J.G.A. Pocock, Quentin Skinner, Brien Tierney and Perez Zagorin. It has also published special festschift editions for leading scholars such as G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, Neal Wood and J.H.Burns. History of Political Thought is published four times a year.
Professor Iain Hampsher-Monk is Editor.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (JEPOP) aims to publish research of the highest quality on elections, public opinion, participation and political parties. Published under the auspices of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom specialist group of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (EPOP), it welcomes submissions based on either comparative or single nation studies.
Professor Susan Banducci and Professor Daniel Stevens are Editors.
International Review of Administrative Sciences
International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS) is devoted to academic and professional public management and public administration. It is the oldest scholarly public administration journal specifically focused on comparative and international topics. IRAS encourages reflection on international comparisons, new techniques and approaches in governance, the dialogue between academics and practitioners, and debates about the future of public management and public administration.
IRAS has an impact factor of 1.988 (17/47 Public Administration) (Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release)
Professor Andrew Massey is Editor.
New Diversities
New Diversities is an international, online, peer reviewed, scholarly and professional journal, published by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. It is intended to provide a platform for international, interdisciplinary and policy-related social science research in the fields of diversity, migration, multicultural policies, and human rights.
Dr Elena Gadjanova is an Editor.
Public Policy and Administration
Public Policy and Administration (PPA) is the journal of the UK Joint University Council (JUC) Public Administration Committee (PAC). PPA aims to publish original peer-reviewed material within the broad field of public policy and administration.
PPA has an impact factor of 2.438 (15/47 Public Administration) (Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release)
Professor Claire Dunlop is an Editor.
Public Money & Management
Public Money & Management (PMM) is a highly-respected international journal covering finance, policy and management issues in public services.
PMM has an impact factor of 0.881 (36/47 Public Administration) (Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release)
Professor Andrew Massey is an Editor and Dr Sarah Cooper is Assistant Editor.
Social Movement Studies
Social Movement Studies is an international and inter-disciplinary journal providing a forum for academic debate and analysis of extra-parliamentary political, cultural and social movements throughout the world. It has a broad, inter-disciplinary approach designed to accommodate papers engaging with any theoretical school and which study the origins, development, organisation, values, context and impact of historical and contemporary movements active in all parts of the world.
Social Movement Studies has an impact factor of 1.581 (63/169 Political Science, 50/146 Sociology) (Source: Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release)
Professor Clare Saunders is an Editor.