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Dr Eva Thomann delivering Winter School Research Methods training at ECPR

Eva Thomann will be teaching two courses at the renowned winter school of methods and techniques of the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR). 

WA102 -  Foundations of case-oriented and set-theoretic thinking and methodology

22-23  Feb 2019               

This course introduces to the logic and basics of case-oriented and set-theoretic methods. We start by reflecting on different types of research questions, evidence and observations, causal effects and causal mechanisms. The course then covers the basics of set theory, sets, set calibration, and logical operations. We will discuss different perspectives on causation (probabilistic versus deterministic, symmetric versus asymmetric, causal complexity, context) and the logic of necessary and sufficient conditions. We will apply these notions by looking at different ways of defining, structuring, and operationalizing social science concepts.


WD103 - Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

25 Feb-1 March 2019 

This course introduces to crisp set and fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and its analysis in R. We will look at the origins, analytic aims, and variants of QCA and deal in depth with techniques and practices of set calibration. The nuts and bolts the QCA technique, from parameters of fit to all steps of the analyses of necessity and sufficiency, are illustrated based on an empirical example study which we replicate in class. We will then cover the presentation and interpretation of QCA results, as well as ways to deal with limited diversity and other potential pitfalls. Hands-on exercises and daily lab sessions provide opportunities for practice and engagement.

You can register for the training here until 17 Dec:

Date: 6 December 2018