Public Service Corporations: estimating the link between public scrutiny and share
Sponsor British Academy/Leverhulme
Dr Stephen Greasley
B.A. (UEA), M.A. (Newcastle), PhD (Sheffield)
Senior Lecturer
Amory A226
My research and teaching interests are in public policy and administration. I have a particular interest in various types of arm’s length governance and the way that these are, or are not influenced, by the political system. My research has primarily focused on the UK at national and local levels.
Research interests
Arm’s length agency – explaining patterns of stability and change in the British system of delegated governance.
Public sector contracts – how do political factors influence the way public contracts are let and managed.
I am increasingly interested in applying quantitative and mixed methods to these issues, and trying to model the micro-foundations of public administration and policy.
Previously I have conducted research on: regional public bodies, the reform of political management in local government, the engagement of the public in governance, regulating ethics in governance.
Research supervision
- British Public Administration.
- Public Contracts and Outsourcing.
- Regulatory Agencies and Decision-Making.
Other information
Recent PublicationsArticles in Refereed Journals
Greasley, S. (2011) ‘Cabinet Governance and Political Stability in English Urban Councils’ Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance pp. 18
Greasley, S. and John, P (2011) ‘Does Stronger Political Leadership Have a Performance Payoff? Citizen Satisfaction and the Institutional Redesign of Sub-Central Governments in England, 2000-2006.’ Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21 (2). pp. 239-256.
Greasley, S. John, P and Wolman, H (2011) ‘Does Government Performance Matter? The Effects of Local Government on Urban Outcomes in England.’ Urban Studies, 48 (9). pp. 1835-1851.
Greasley, Stephen, Goodwin, M, John, P and Richardson, L (2010) ‘Can we make environmental citizens? A randomised control trial of the effects of a school-based intervention on the attitudes and knowledge of young people.’ Environmental Politics, 19 (3). pp. 392-412.
Gains, F., Greasley, S., John, P. and Stoker, G. (2009) `The Impact of Political Leadership on Organizational Performance: evidence from English Urban Government' Local Government Studies
Greasley, S. and Stoker, G. (2008) `Institutionalising leadership: Mayors in English local government' Public Administration Review July/ August, pp. 720 - 728
Greasley, S (2007) `Maintaining Ethical Cultures: Self regulation in English Local Government' Local Government Studies v 33 Issue 3, pp. 451-464
Edited book / Book chapters
Durose, C., Greasley, S., Richardson, L (2010) Changing Governance, Changing Citizens Policy press– Introduction, Conclusion and a co-authored chapter
Greasley, S. and Stoker, G. (2009) `Urban Political Leadership' in Theories of Urban Politics 2nd edition
Modules taught
I completed my first degree in Economics in 1994 at the University of East Anglia, and after taking a break from academia completed an MA in International Political Economy at the University of Newcastle. I did my PhD in the Geography at the University of Sheffield studying regional economic governance in the US and UK. My first academic job was at IPEG a University of Manchester research institute, working on the official evaluation of the Local Government Act 2000, and a variety of smaller projects related to local and regional governance. I took up my first teaching post in the Department of Political, Social and International Studies at the University of East Anglia where I was also a member of the Centre for Competition Policy. I took up my current post in Exeter in September 2012.