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International Theory and Global Knowledge

Building on a wide array of intellectual traditions – realism, liberalism, constructivism, feminism, anarchism - and across disciplines - political psychology, sociology, linguistics, philosophy - researchers in the Centre seek to advance new understandings and theories of global politics. This includes new ways of thinking about world order, globalisation, capitalism, populism, authoritarianism, rising powers, migration, social movements, ethnic conflicts, religion, security and terrorism.

Developing insights from sociological, poststructural and decolonial theories, CAIS scholars have also reflected on the evolution of IR as a discipline, its multiple ‘turns’ and blind spots, the role of context in knowledge production, and how the changing character of the field reflects shifts in global power. CAIS scholars have shaped debates on academic freedom, truth and secrecy in government, and the ways in which ‘impact agendas’ shape academic scholarship.