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A Study of Bystander Experience of Domestic Violence and Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic

1 November 2020 - 31 May 2021

PI/s in Exeter: Dr Rachel Fenton

Research partners: Wales Violence Prevention Unit

Sponsor(s): Public Health Wales

Project webpage(s)

A Study of Bystander Experience of Domestic Violence and Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic

About the research

Exeter Law School and The Wales Violence Prevention Unit have secured funding to deliver vital domestic abuse research on the experiences and behaviours of those who witness or have concerns about domestic violence and abuse and its warning signs during COVID-19. 

 As part of the study, the Unit will be conducting a survey of people who live and work in Wales. The survey will ask participants about their experiences of being a bystander during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey will take place in the New Year and people can register to take part by visiting and completing a contact form.

The research will help develop long-term bystander intervention training programmes which will be invaluable to equip more people in society with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely intervene when they are witness to or have concerns about abuse.