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CAIS launches blog on the global politics of COVID-19

Scholars from the University of Exeter's Centre for Advanced International Studies (CAIS) are launching a new blog seeking to enhance public understanding of the international politics of COVID-19. The posts, written by CAIS members and invited guests, lay bare the political dimension of the pandemic, providing a platform for critical reflexion on the social, economic, and political dynamics at play in the outbreak.

The blog - - includes analyses of extraordinary measures, forecasts of the epidemic's consequences on the Liberal World Order, or discussions on the outbreak's impact on China's foreign investment policy, among others. Once or twice a week, a new post is written by a CAIS expert.

John Heathershaw, who launched the platform with Brieg Powel, says: “We began both as a means to maintain our research culture through social distancing and to encourage debate on the implications of COVID-19 in particular and pandemic disease in general for global politics. Researchers on public health are specialists in this area”, he added, “but there is no topic of Politics and International Relations which is not affected by and affects a pandemic, which is why contributors to explore the politics of pandemics in their particular topic or region of research expertise".

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